Capitalisation is when you use an upper-case letter to start a word and the letters that follow are all in lower-case.
- Sentance Case — The most common in English Prouse. Only the first word is capitalized, except forProper Nouns and other words which are generally capitalized by a more specific rule.
- Title case — All words are capitalized except for certain subsets defined by rules that are not universally standardized. The standardization is only at the level of house styles and individual style manuals
- All Caps: Only capital letters are used.
- Small Caps: Capital letters are used which are the Size of the lower-case"x". Slightly larger small caps can be used in a Mixed Case fashion. Used for initialisms, names, mathematical entities and computer commands in printed text.
- Lowercase only: Sometimes used for artistic effect, such as in poetry. Also commonly seen in computer commands and SMS Language (texting) for quick typing.